PrayinG in CrUCial MOMEnts
Have you ever experienced praying with so much earnestness as you must have done faced with critical
moments in life? In today’s Gospel, we see that Jesus did too, as “He spent the night in prayer to God,”
before He chose the men who would work closely with Him to establish God’s reign on earth.
Of course, it would be too bad if we will pray so earnestly only when
problems and difficulties come. But perhaps critical situations in life are in a way also good for us. For one thing, they
remind us of our helplessness, and that we ought to depend not on ourselves but on no other than God alone. Sometimes, it
truly takes a crisis moment for us to realize these things. Maybe even such trials and troubles will transform us and make
us into better persons. Who knows if through earnest prayer and trust in God, we eventually become instruments to others,
too? It was probably least in the minds of the Twelve Apostles that Jesus would one day call and choose them to be His closest
collaborators. Imagine a Peter, thinking and protesting: “Me, a mere fisherman?” Or a Matthew: “Of all people,
why me, a tax-collector?” And a Simon the Zealot: “Shouldn’t I rather fight for the Israelite nation than
for God’s Kingdom?” (Of course, in the case of Judas Iscariot, it’s another story.)
See the wonders of God’s transforming power? In our case, we too in all probability
wouldn’t realize what strength, goodness, and holiness lie hidden within us, just waiting to be tapped. That is what
God sees in us, in fact — and that’s why He calls and chooses us still. And the crisis moments are just the “triggers”
to unlock or open such reserves.
And so, let us pray if we must, let us pray by all means. Especially when crucial
moments are at hand. We’ll be surprised that just as “power came forth from [Jesus],” there too will come
out an extraordinary potential from us, thanks
to God’s grace. Fr.
Martin Macasaet
Reflection Question:
Have crisis moments triggered you to become better? What do you realize in this?
Sometimes, Lord, I underestimate the power You have in my life. Forgive me, Lord. May trials show
me how strong I am in You.